Friday, September 7, 2007

One week down, 34 more to go!

The magnificent Burj hotel at night, near the club where we went dancing.
Amber and Carrie celebrate the end of their first week!

Well I've survived my first week of school, and it was tiring, to say the least! Up at 6am every day (and you all know that I'm not exactly a morning person) and at school by 7:30. I teach on average 5 classes a day, and the toughest day of the week is when all of those classes happen to be kindergarten....phew! I love the little ones, but 20 of them at the same time leaves me feeling a little frayed at the edges.
The children are really sweet, for the most part. They come from all over the world, with each class representing at least 7-10 different nationalities. There are a lot of names to remember (approx 400, I believe, although I have yet to do that math) and so it will be some time before I remember every face.

My typical day goes like this:
6am-wake up
7:00-catch a ride to school with Tom, another music teacher
7:25-meet and greet children arriving in the parking lot (3x a week, we're a for-profit school)
8:00-classes start, mine vary, depending on the day, with the earliest being at 8:50
2:45-school over
4:00-catch the bus home
4:30-relax in the pool, or go grocery shopping, or pass out from exhaustion in my apartment
5-7ish-dinner time
8-10-read, bathe, socialize with friends, lesson planning, etc etc.

Last night a large group of teachers went out for end of the week happy hour at "Apres" (where I'm photographed in my first post, with Ski Dubai behind me) and then continued on to a really cheesy restaurant/ bar with Philippino karaoke singers, and then finally on to dance at a club called Jhambay, where there was a live band and tons of expats schmoozing and boozing and smoking. It's going to take me a while to get used to the smoky bar scenes again!

Tonight I've been invited to dinner by a nice American couple who live in Dubai Marina. They were a contact given to me by someone I briefly met right before leaving DC. I'm excited to expand my social circle and see more of this strange, cosmopolitan place!


Unknown said...

Thanks for posting the update.

What happened to Carrie?

yelshayerb said...

hi lady!!
wow, you are a busy one :), thanks for the update...we miss you here! bun bun sends her love.

rrose selavy said...

soooo proud of you my sweets!!!
i cannot believe you are really there.
how's teaching going??
what do you find most exciting and the most challenging about dubai?
how's the air?
looking forward to more updates : )

so much love to you!!!!!!

Tommyhothead said...

You look pretty happy in that picture! Guess you weren't teaching kindergartners that day!

Cold and rainy / breath of autumn here in upstate New York (and Canandaigua). That means more antiquing for the antique maniacs!

What sort of souvenirs would one bring back from Dubai?

Tommyhothead said...
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Tommyhothead said...

Hey, doesn't the New Zealand World Cup Yacht Racing Team winter in Dubai? ;)