Monday, January 14, 2008

Winter in Dubai

It has been raining non-stop in Dubai for the last several days. I've spoken to some people who has lived here for many years, and they say it's the most rain they've ever seen! I kind of like it, it's our week of Winter in the desert. The only downside is that there are gigantic puddles everywhere, that are quickly turning into lakes, and the rain is still coming down. I wish I had brought my camera to school today and taken pictures of the parking lot, but the superintendent forwarded us some photos, so I'll include those in my posting.
It's good to be back here, after an insane amount of traveling over the holidays. I am recovered from the jetlag, since I threw myself into work the day after getting back. Yesterday we had the day off of school, to honor President Bush being in town (note sarcasm). They closed all of the major highways, I guess they were worried about a terrorist attack?! and so no one could get to school. It was pretty fun having a mini holiday, kind of like a snow day Dubai-style. I did what I usually do, which is clean my apartment, read, and watch movies. Oh, the excitement...
School is going well. I feel more confident now in what I'm doing, although I'm still making up the curriculum as I go with my Kindergarten, 3rd and 4th Grades. It is fun and creative, instead of hard and scary, now that I have a little more confidence.
That's all my news of the moment..Oh, and I think I'll be moving as well, to a GIGANTIC 2 1/2 bedroom apt across from school. I decided it would make my life immensely better if I could walk to work instead of finding rides every day, or renting/buying a car out of necessity. I plan to move over the weekend, if the weather clears up, and shortly after that get internet at home (skype!!!)